5. Auto Glym Ultimate Screenwash (500ml)
£8.99 (£17.98/litre) (Halfords)
Minimum temperature: -45C
The most expensive option here, and while Auto Glym’s screenwash is also the most heavily concentrated, diluting it down to -6C strength results in 2.5 litres of washer fluid – which is about the same as you’d get from 1.25 litres of our other competitors in concentrated form. So even with its low minimum temperature, this is an expensive buy, and while it cleans well, it isn’t noticeably better than the rest. That said, if you pour it in neat you get the best cold temperature protection – though of course, you’ll have to use fair amount of it, for which your wallet won’t thank you.
6. TripleQX All Seasons Concentrated Screenwash (5l)
£5.29 (£1.06/litre) (Euro Car Parts)
Minimum temperature: unknown
At just £5.29 for a big bottle like this, the TripleQX screenwash is the second most affordable fluid here, which will tempt many buyers. Trouble is, it doesn’t clean brilliantly; what’s more, there’s no guideline given as to the protection it offers against freezing temperatures, so you have to pour it in and hope. Indeed, the instruction to ‘pour directly into screen wash bottle’ makes you think it should be used neat – so is it really a concentrate (rather than a ready-to-use solution) at all?